J.C. Renfroe Model LA 2 Ton Lifting Clamp

J.C. Renfroe Model LA is an ergonomic vertical lifting clamp capable of turning a single plate or member from horizontal to vertical to horizontal through a 180 degree arc. It incorporates a push button auxiliary lock. The €œLock Open €“ Lock Closed € feature facilitates attaching and removing the clamp from the plate.

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Manufacturer J.C. Renfroe
Model LA
Capacity (Ton) 2
Plate Thickness A (in) 0 - 1
Dimensions (in) B 3  5/16 C  6   7/8
  D (max.) 12  1/2 E  2   3/8
  F (max.) 7   1/16 G  3   5/8
  H  2   3/8 J  3/4
Weight (lbs) 16.88
  • Less weight and smaller size for more maneuverability
  • Versatile and easy to handle
  • Our design makes it easier to repair
  • Meets ASME BTH-1 design and service class safety standards