Harrington TM 5 Ton Top Running Motorized End Trucks 35 ft. Span

For heavy-duty class "C" single girder crane applications, nothing tops Harrington's top running motorized end trucks. Along with a full range of features, end truck kits include two trucks; two sealed, totally enclosed, non-ventilated (TENV) motors with adjustable D.C. brakes; two helical gear reducers; rubber bumpers; and a bridge beam fastener set. All trucks are fully painted. Bridge fabrication prints are also included. As a member of the Crane Manufacturers Association of America (CMAA), Harrington builds TM trucks to meet current industry and regulatory codes.

Harrington Crane

How to set up and assemble a Harrington crane. Easy crane set ...

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Cap. (Tons) Max Span (ft) Part No. Wheel Dia. (in) Sug. Min. Runway
Rail (ASCE#)
Overall Length (in) Roller Base (in) Wheel Base(in) Runway Ctr. Line to Outer Edge of ET (in) Width Beyound Span (in) Top of Rail
to Top of
End Truck (in)
Motor (in)
5 35 TML/S/H-3-0535 6.10 40 62 54 43 3.8 4.7 9.2 13.0 (L/S)
13.4 (H)
Part No. Speed Codes L and S Speed Code H Weight
One Motor Per End Truck 3 Phase 60 Hz One Motor Per End Truck 3 Phase 60 Hz
Output (Hp) Rated Current(amps ea.) Output (Hp) Rated Current(amps ea.)
@230V @460V @230V @460V
TML/S/H-3-0535 0.33 1.6 1.0 0.5 2.1 1.3 512
  • Frame fabrication from ASTM A500 structural tube for superior strength, rigidity and compactness.
  • Reduced wheel friction due to heavy-duty side guide rollers results in smooth crane travel‚ guide rollers are 3 1/2" O.D. (5" on 10 T) with fixed steel axles.
  • Minimize assembly labor with fully machined frames‚ girder connection, bracing and collector mounting bracket holes are drilled and tapped for easy installation.
  • Suitable for use on ASCE crane rail or square bar‚ wheels are machined steel with flat tread and each has 2 deep groove ball bearings, meeting L10 bearing life criteria for class C cranes.
  • Sealed TENV drives with quiet, smooth‚ operating helical gear reducers.
  • Gear reducer is designed for easy field conversion between L and S speeds.
  • Drives are designed for crane service, with 30 minute rating and feature cooling fins for efficient heat dissipation.
  • Externally adjustable D.C. brakes allow controlled deceleration‚ adjustable up to 50% of rated motor torque.
  • Thermal motor protection is standard.
  • Drives and brakes are compatible with Electronic Acceleration Control (EAC) and Variable Frequency Drive (VFD).
  • Drives are connectable for 230/460V-3-60 (including dual speed models). Other voltages available.
  • Rail sweeps and drop stops are standard.