Gorbel WSJ360 1000 lb. Free Standing Work Station Jib Crane 10' HUB
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WSJ360 Free Standing Enclosed Track Workstation Jib Cranes are Gorbel most versatile crane and are best for low capacity, high productivity applications. They are the perfect jib crane to place underneath large bridge cranes, in open areas where they can serve several workstations, in outdoor applications such as loading docks, or in machining and assembly operations where they can be overlapped with other jib cranes to provide staged operation. In most cases, Gorbel ® WSJ360 Free-Standing Series Jib Cranes can be bolted directly to your existing floor without adding special foundations. Installation and adjustment are easy with our eccentric cam followers. WSJ360 Work Station Jibs are available in capacities to 1000 lb. and spans up to 16 ft. Enclosed Track Jib Cranes provide excellent coverage in circular areas not efficiently served by the main crane. They are ideal for supporting tool balancers, air balancers, hoists, vacuum lifters, and welding wire feeders. They can handle up to 360 ° rotation when floor mounted. Enclosed Track Jib Cranes can provide a major boost to productivity in your plant or warehouse. However, many people are unaware of the many safety-related benefits they can bring to their workplace. From reducing injuries to promoting a smooth training experience, enclosed track jib cranes can help you in your quest to establish a culture of safety within your business.